“Why Is My AC Short Cycling?”

April 11th, 2022

This is a common question, and one that is very relevant to our industry. A short cycling air conditioner is a bad thing to run into, but many people just don’t know why. As your local professional, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to explain why a short cycling AC is so bad, and what you can do about it.

Short cycling is a specific type of AC functionality that excessively wears down certain components. Unfortunately, it’s not the kind of problem where there’s one solution, since it’s both a problem on its own and a symptom of other problems. The issue needs to be properly diagnosed by a professional in order for it to be completely fixed.

Don’t stress! Luckily, you’ve got the Seaside Air Services team to give you AC repair or AC replacement in Wellington, FL when you need it. Let’s talk about your short cycling air conditioner and figure out what needs to be done.

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How to Budget Effectively for Maintenance Appointments

March 28th, 2022

When budgets get tight and families start eyeing their monthly expenses, air conditioning maintenance in Wellington, FL is usually the first thing to go. This makes sense since it doesn’t really feel as urgent as some of the other expenses on your financial plan, or when it’s compared to an AC repair. While we understand this mentality, it might not work out that well for you down the line.

The truth is that missed maintenance can end up being a huge pain within just a couple of years, and it can even cause your air conditioner to lose its protective warranty. Maintenance simply shouldn’t be cut out of a budget unless it absolutely has to be, and at that point, our team can usually work with you to figure out a plan that works for your specific needs.

Let’s talk about a few strategies homeowners can use to budget effectively for yearly maintenance.

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Our Refrigerant FAQ

March 14th, 2022

Homeowners have a lot of questions about refrigerant. Most people know that it’s a material used for air conditioning in cars, homes, and buildings, but they don’t know much beyond that. Why would they? It’s not like we’re ever told about refrigerant in our high school chemistry classes, so it can be hard to find out more information when things aren’t easily presented to us.

We’re here to change that! We’re going to talk about the major questions we get about refrigerant. We’ll tell you our advice from an industry expert’s perspective and we’re also here to help you with any HVAC work you might need. We provide affordable AC repairs in Wellington, FL and we can absolutely patch a refrigerant leak and recharge the system.

If you’re struggling with your refrigerant, or you think you’ve got a problem with your air conditioner’s refrigerant, don’t hesitate to call us and keep reading this blog!

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Five Spring Tips for More Reliable AC

February 28th, 2022

We know that it might not feel like springtime yet, and early march doesn’t really scream “air conditioning” to anyone, but now is as good a time as ever to talk about spring AC work. Your AC is going to be required down the line, so we think the earlier you get it fixed up and running properly, the better.

This blog is dedicated to listing 5 specific tips that can help your AC perform better this year, and most of them can be achieved right now during the spring. While you’re spring cleaning, putting away your chilly weather clothes, or you’re just bored and looking for something to do, this list is bound to help.

Just remember that if you need repairs, or if you’re considering AC replacement in Boca Raton, then we highly recommend you get in touch with us and discuss your options with a professional. For everyone else, keep reading!

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3 Helpful Tips for Calling a Professional

February 14th, 2022

It’s that time of year where we’re just trying to get through the rest of winter. Even though our winter isn’t as bad as other winters up north, we’ve still got a few weeks to go before we can switch on our air conditioners and enjoy the warmth of spring and summer.

Even though winter is almost over, you should still think of your heating system as a valuable tool that requires professional support. If you’ve been hesitating to call a pro for furnace repair in Wellington, then you might actually be doing your heating system a disservice. Professional repairs can keep things running smoothly and efficiently, and whether you like it or not, winter will return next year and you’ll need to repeat this process all over again.

Let’s start thinking about the long term of your home comfort. Here are three expert tips that you can use when trying to figure out who to call for professional furnace repairs.

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How Is Your Furnace Doing?

January 17th, 2022

Every winter, it’s a good idea to take a second and check in on your comfort. Sometimes days will get exceptionally chilly in our area, and having a powerful furnace is going to be an important piece of your home comfort. So, with that said, how is your furnace handling things?

If you’re scared to even entertain that question, then it might be time to consider either heating repair in Boca Raton, or replace your system altogether. You should always be comfortable taking a close look at your heating system and allowing professionals to provide maintenance on it.

Today, we’re going to talk about 5 ways you can take a close look at the quality of your heat. We’ll help you evaluate the state of your heating system, whether or not it’s functioning as intended, and what you can do if it isn’t. Just remember to contact us with any concerns!

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7 Ways to Stay Efficient This Year

January 3rd, 2022

Energy efficiency and your air conditioning run hand in hand. Without proper AC services, your energy bill will likely skyrocket and you’ll see an increase in electricity costs through your home. Likewise, your AC might be in good shape, but if you’re not doing your part to stay energy efficient, your AC will begin to wear down and suffer.

Our team is concerned with keeping both of these categories in a good place. We want your air conditioner to work properly and efficiently, and we want your home to be as suited to energy efficiency as possible. All of this can be done through our maintenance program, and targeted AC repair in Wellington, FL by the pros on our team.

Down below, we’ve listed 7 helpful ways to keep your home energy efficient, as well as lighten the burden on your AC. Until things get scorchingly hot during the summer, this should be the main priority aside from staying cool and comfortable this winter!

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Why Is Your AC Short-Cycling?

December 20th, 2021

A short-cycling air conditioner is a big problem, but homeowners don’t often know why. That’s reasonable, it’s not exactly obvious information, and sometimes less-reputable videos and articles online can point you in the wrong direction. Since this blog post is coming from us, your most trusted local source of HVAC knowledge, you can feel confident knowing that you’re getting factually correct information. We’re not going to spin things to get you to purchase our services.

So, does having a short-cycling air conditioner mean you need repairs? Or perhaps you might need a whole new AC installation in Wellington, FL. The truth is that it depends on what’s causing the short-cycling and what needs to be done to solve the problem.

No matter what problem you encounter or the solutions you require, our team will be there to help! We provide fast, affordable, and effective air conditioning services in the Wellington area.

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5 Efficiency Tips for Mild Fall Temperatures

December 6th, 2021

Temperatures are dropping all over the country as homeowners scramble to get their heating systems ready for late fall, early winter changes. However, we’re the lucky ones! When it comes to HVAC in Wellington, FL, we get amazingly mild temperatures throughout the coldest days of the winter. It truly is paradise here!

While we don’t need to prepare our homes for ice and snow, we do need to prepare for a loss of efficiency as we’re still using air conditioners to cool our homes and heat pumps to heat them on those few chilly nights. Any loss in efficiency could mean a higher energy bill, which is never a good sign no matter where you live.

Today, we’re going to talk about 5 major tips that could help you run your AC or heat pump more effectively, and basically give you lower utility bills through tighter energy efficiency.

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Is Your Home Right for a Ductless Heat Pump?

November 22nd, 2021

If you’ve noticed, on our website we’ve got a whole page dedicated to ductless systems in Wellington. This might be confusing to some homeowners, since these systems have previously been thought of as “niche” systems, or alternatives to the tried and true central air conditioner. However, the times have changed and we’re on a mission to share some facts with our community about ductless heating systems.

Ductless systems are actually great for many homes in our area that would otherwise go with a central AC system. They’re also really good heating systems for those few chilly nights we experience here in Wellington. Since the goal of our work is to keep you comfortable at the lowest price possible, a ductless heating and cooling system might actually achieve that goal much better than any other unit.

Keep reading to learn more about these great systems and why one could be perfect for your house!

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