Get a Jumpstart on AC Maintenance Today

January 30th, 2023

In many ways, we’re lucky where we live. We get access to some of the best fishing and camping spots in the world.

Our mild winters let us spend more time outdoors doing fun things around the beach. We get some of the most beautiful sunrises you can imagine, but there’s more to it than that.

While those are all great things about our area, there’s one hidden benefit that we don’t talk about enough: the fact that we get to prepare extra early for the summer heat.

Other places around the country have their air conditioning units packed under several feet of snow, while we’ve got them sitting there ready for maintenance.

So, it’s time to take advantage of our wonderful climate and get our air conditioners properly maintained. It might seem too early, but to us, it can’t be early enough for air conditioning maintenance in Boca Raton, FL!

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“Is Something Wrong With My Air Purifier?”

January 16th, 2023

If we knew the answer to that question right here and now, we would tell you. But unfortunately, (or fortunately), we’re not at your home this very moment so we can’t really give you our professional opinion.

What we can do is empower you to make the right call and investigate for yourself whether or not your air purifier is encountering some problems.

Before the anxiety sets in, we want to ask all of our customers to relax. It’s very common for air purifiers to run into issues, especially if they’ve been working diligently to keep your home safe for years on end.

Bulbs can burn out, wires can fray, and mechanical malfunctions are just a natural part of life in the technological age. But our team can help you.

Let’s talk about some of the signs you might need air purifier repair in Lake Worth, FL, and how you can better spot a malfunctioning system.

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The Biggest Reason to Defer to a Pro for AC Installation

December 19th, 2022

We finally get a bit of a break from the hot temperatures of spring, summer, and fall. There will be hot days on the horizon, but for everyone looking to upgrade their air conditioner and invest in a new system, then we’d like to warn you of the dangers that come with DIY work.

It might seem fairly simple to set up an air conditioner yourself, but it’s actually incredibly complex and there’s a particular thing that always gets messed up when homeowners try to do this on their own.

One of the major reasons why people invest in early AC replacements is due to a botched installation and incorrect sizing. An AC installation in West Palm Beach, FL needs to be accurately sized for the home that it’s going to cool, otherwise, it can run into several problems that can cut the lifespan of the system nearly in half.

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Don’t Fight Over the Thermostat This Holiday Season

December 5th, 2022
hand setting a thermostat down to 62 degrees

The holidays are quickly approaching, so we understand the desire to start booking travel plans and get the spare rooms ready for the family. It’s an exciting time of year, and for many of us they’re the opportunity to get gifts, cook a delicious meal, and catch up with relatives and friends you haven’t seen in a while.

For many of us who live in the Boca Raton area, our homes are a luxury destination for friends and family. After a cold winter they get to enjoy some time in the sun and some warmth. However, this can lead to constant fights over the thermostat which is bad news for everyone.

This blog is going to be full of some tips and tricks to help limit the fighting over the thermostat, especially with some more kids in the house this season. Don’t forget that if your thermostat is unresponsive, you should call our team for AC service in Boca Raton, FL.

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3 Winter AC Tips for Our Unique Climate

November 21st, 2022

You’ve probably spoken to friends and relatives out of state by now and realized that the rest of the country is going through a bit of a temperature shift. In some places, it’s starting to snow. But down here, things are tropical which means they stay relatively warm all year round. That being said, we do experience a bit of a temperature shift during the winter, and you’re likely going to be using your air conditioner differently than you would in the summer.

This blog post is going to cover two important ideas. The first is that winter is the perfect time to schedule AC repair in Wellington, FL, since it might not be the most important appliance right now. The second idea will cover some tips that might help save you money, energy and help your AC technology breathe a sigh of relief.

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What’s Wrong With My Indoor Air Quality?

November 7th, 2022

One of the first things that people can do when they encounter smelly, stuffy, or unsafe air in their homes is to search online for potential contaminants that might be causing it. If you arrived here through a search engine, or even if you’re a local follower of our company, then you’re likely on the hunt for answers. We hope our informative blog will help answer your questions on indoor air quality!

Depending on where you live or the type of climate in your area, you could have different types of air quality issues. Cold environments deal with different contaminants than warm, humid environments like ours. So, we’d like to take a second to stop any worries you might have and talk about air quality testing in West Palm Beach, FL.

Our team can help you identify what contaminants are affecting your home and provide solutions that will eliminate them.

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3 Reasons to Call Us for a Pool Heater

October 24th, 2022

Our area might not be in too great a need for heating service. It’s true, we live in a pretty warm climate, and even our chilly winter nights are few and far between. It’s one of the excellent perks of living in Florida!

That being said, indoor temperatures are much different from outdoor temperatures. While insulation and body heat can go a long way in staying warm inside, your pool is going to need some different tools. Sure, you could use your pool during the hottest months of the year, but why not invest in a pool heater installation in Boca Raton, FL so you can use it for the entire year?

A pool heater is not only going to keep your pool at a comfortable temperature, but it’s also going to allow you to get your money’s worth when it comes to using the pool you paid so much to have installed!

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AC Tips: Bigger Isn’t Always Better

October 10th, 2022

Are you thinking about purchasing a new air conditioner for your home? When doing so, know that size matters. It may seem like a larger system would be ideal because it could cool your home down quickly and provide you with more comfort. Yet, that is not the case. It is always best to work with an AC technician who can help you to choose the best size for your specific home based on the square footage and a few other factors. Why is a system that is larger than needed not a good thing?

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Fall Tips for Warm Weather

September 26th, 2022

While the rest of the country might be gearing up for a cold winter, we get to sit back and relax knowing that we chose a sunnier and warmer place to live. There will still be cold days this winter for us, that’s a given, but at least we won’t be inundated with snow storms and other natural incidents that can be dangerous or frightening. We just need to keep our air conditioners running well.

That’s the big thing for us. We still have plenty of warm days ahead, and in the springtime as well. Just take a look and evaluate all of the 90+ degree weather days we have on the horizon!

This blog post is going to be about a few longevity tips for your air conditioning. Fall is not as hot as the summer, but it’s a point where systems in dire need of AC repair in Wellington, FL can start to falter as we continue to use them.

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3 Tips for Your Next AC Installation

September 12th, 2022

The times are changing! As it always is with any industry, there are good changes and bad changes. Let’s start with the bad.

Energy prices are on the rise, as well as gas prices. These are causing some pretty huge shifts in the industry and unfortunately, some homeowners are getting caught up in it. It can be hard to want to switch to a new and efficient air conditioning system if electricity is so expensive, but that’s where the good news comes in.

With new tax credits, rebates, and efficiency standards, AC systems are using less energy than they ever have before. And, as time goes on and more people switch to these efficient electricity-based units, the power grid will be upgraded and electricity will be cheaper.

Let’s take a look at three distinct ways to save on your next AC installation in Wellington, FL.

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